Wind Storm, Black Out, World Series, and the Seahawks


At 9 o’clock last night with the World Series tied at two games each, Kansas City and San Francisco tied at 4 – 4 in the bottom of the fifth inning, our lights began to flicker. When we turned on the outside light the trees in the park next door looked like something out of a Van Gogh painting – thrashing and leaning in a frenzied turbulent wind. By 9:30, in the bottom of the sixth with the Giants up 6 – 4 the lights went out.


Shit! Pitch black. Wind howling. Stumble around hunting down the flashlights (thank God, I mean Steve, for the iPhone), and trying to figure out what to do next.

It should be said that we’re not a rabid baseball fans, but we grew up loving it. But over the years of living in rural Idaho and Berlin I lost contact and my enthusiasm faded. These days, back in Seattle, I enjoy going to Safeco Field once or twice a summer to participate in the very American ceremony at a manicured ballpark with the archaic ritualized behaviors and the hotdogs.

There must be some imprinting from leftover from my childhood that draws my attention when the playoffs come around. In recent years it’s been things like wanting to watch the great Yankee – Red Sox rivalry play out or to see the Sox overcome the Babe Ruth Curse, or watch Mariano Rivera execute another perfect save. This year it’s the Kansas City No-Stars. Small ball, speed and the best outfield in baseball that has me hooked.

So… the lights are out. The Giants are ahead by 2 with 3 innings left. At 9:40 M and I are out the door on our way to Duke’s Greenlake for a 20 oz. Mac and Jack’s African Amber, a 9 oz. Pinot Grigio, and a big screen TV.  Alas, by the time we got to Duke’s the Royals were down 7 – 4  and the rest is history (11 – 4). Back home, the flashlights lead us to bed.. Pitch black. No streetlights. No nothing. Just wind


Now it’s 9:00 Sunday morning and the power is still off. The Seahawks – Carolina game is on at 10. No TV. No coffee. Not even hot water. So, it’s off to Caffe Ladro for lattes and then to the gym to sit on stationary bikes to watch the Hawks.


It’s an effort to keep calm. This year’s Hawks are a high anxiety team. They’re good but ragged and every game is a nail biter. Today’s was no exception and it wasn’t until 47 seconds from the end that Russell Wilson drilled a 23-yard pass to Luke Willson in the end zone and a 13 – 9 win. Go Hawks!

By the time we got home from the gym the power was back on and the sky was blue. We’re hoping it stays that way for tonight’s Game 5. Last night these guys in McCovey Cove struck out too. Rain for a portion of the game and no home run balls to dive for. Good luck tonight guys.

McCovey Cove

Go Kansas City!

More tomorrow…

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