A Local Art Walk

The local art walk looked like this yesterday:

Sol Lewitt

This series by Sol Lewitt is currently on display at the Bellevue Arts Museum. It is part of an exhibit called Under Pressure, Contemporary Prints from the Collections of Jordan Schnitzer and his Family Foundation. Mr. Schnitzer, a Portland attorney, whose mother owned one of the first art galleries in Portland, began collecting as a teenager. Since 1988 he has amassed an astonishing collection of contemporary prints. Under the umbrella of the Jordan Schnitzer Foundation the entire collection, is housed at the University of Oregon museum bearing his name.

I’ve been interested in contemporary prints since the early 1960’s and purchased several at Tokyo’s famous Yoseido Gallery when I was flying there regularly. I’ve lived with them for over 50 years now and still find them interesting. This is my favorite – by Toko Shinoda. Ms. Shinoda, now 101 years old, is a designated Living National Treasure in Japan.

Shinoda print

Bellevue can also boast having one of the best newer art galleries in the Pacific Northwest. The Hall Spassov Gallery, streetside on Bellevue Way in the Bellevue Place Complex, has a stable of exciting contemporary artists. Eric Hall and Amy Spassov are the owner operators and have recently extended their reach with a new gallery in the Pioneer Square area in Seattle. This is a monoprint by one of their artists, Sun Valley printmaker Abby Grosvenor.

Abby Print

More tomorrow…

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