It’s only two weeks until we leave for our new gig in Saigon. Right now it’s all about priorities and trying to get ready for a whole set of unknowns. I’ve moved before, and I’ve lived overseas before. But Southeast Asia is really different. I don’t even know how to think about the language. I’m OK with most European languages (at least I can make myself understood), but the tonal languages of the Far East are a real challenge to my ear and tongue. Then there’s the weather – hot and humid. What clothes are right for business? Probably not shorts and flip flops, but certainly not coats and ties. What should I pack? Then – I know I’m not going on vacation, but I love to play tennis and the guitar so I’m taking my tennis racket and guitar and feeling a little funny about showing up for a new job with all my toys. Anyway, the countdown is on, and in between now and then we have one more trip to Oakland to attend an East Meets West function. Life’s a little jammy at the moment, but it’s better than sitting around clipping coupons.