Archive for Twisted Cuban Café and Bar

Chef, Food Trucks, and Cuban Sandwiches

The sun crossed the equator nine days ago on its way to the Tropic of Capricorn. Summer turning to fall. The days are shorter now – about equal night and day signaling a change in orientation for me. The outdoor pool closed, temperatures cooler, and rain is on its way. For the past three months I’ve spent more time outdoors than in. For the next nine months it will be the other way around. I’m back in my “Surviving Seattle” mode.

That means more plays, more movies, more reading, more museums and galleries, and more concerts. It means fewer bike rides and some long drives in search of powder snow. We’ll still get out for an occasional ride, as we did yesterday when the lower sun angle caught the beginning of the changing colors.  It’s still beautiful but I know it’s fleeting. read more